Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Class Two Blog.

A little bit late in the term, but welcome back to school all the pupils on Class Two. Don't forget, P.E. day is Monday so you'll need kit whatever the weather! The first homework task will be to create a biographical history of an imaginary character we have created in Art. At this stage we are not going to write the biography but simply create a detailed lifeline to include when, where born, an early life incident, an education history if wanted, any important life events etc. After all that, a basic biography!
An important reminder for pupils and parents;reading of any and all genres is massively important this year so please take time to listen, one to one, to your child read! Please record what they read, whether they read well and enjoyed the story and then sign or initial.
Finally, this term it's the junior's turn to put on the Christmas Concert. A great period in my life for further hairloss! Nonetheless a time I look forward to! Here's to a fabulous term with lots of fun, laughter and enjoyment. Good luck everyone.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Post Parents' Evening Update

  Many thanks to all the parents who were able to make their appointments and for the few who were unable to see me thank you for passing on a message of explanation. Don't feel Parents' Evenings are the only times I am available to see you, if you have a question or need to pass on relevant information about you child I will always willingly arrange a mutually convenient meeting.
  After so much dry, spring weather the day of the Urdd Rugby tournament dawns to a downpour and flooded pitches at the venue, hence the tournament has been postponed. Perhaps we'll have better luck next week for the mixed football competition. Still on a sports theme, the Blues have sent us a letter querying whether we would like tickets for their game against Treviso. Letters will be sent out with information at the end of the week.
  The class is currently involved in planning and making a short animation film as well as writing an "interactive" story they will read to their chosen infant child. So as to involve the infant the writer has compiled a questionairre with the intention of including as much of their audience's preferences in the story as possible. Class 2 is doing this with Mrs. Decaro's class.
  We have several talented pupils in the class and when discussing the children's abilities I was very pleased to hear how many parents are fostering their children's interests and talents by encouraging them to join clubs
in the community and not just those we offer in school. Some parents were a little surprised to learn how much potential their children had because they were focusing on academic achievement while their child showed promise in the arts or sport or some other discipline. If you can, please follow up this interest by encouraging them to join an out of school club. You never know you could be the even prouder parents of a future Olympian!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Spring Term 2011
Not the best of weather lately and certainly not the best of rugby results Friday night! Never mind, life goes on, so, "Happy New Year". This term promises to be a very interesting one with a story teller coming to inspire year 5 boys and girls. I must say he was excellent, the children and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to him. Of course this term includes the Eisteddfod and the children in year 5 and 6 have both a poem and a song to learn. The year 6 items are the same as those chosen for the Urdd Eisteddfod competitions so I would imagine the winners of those competitions will be considered to go forward to represent the school in the local heats.
The pe focus this term is gymnastics and so far I have been very impressed with the quality of work the class is demonstrating. Several individuals are showing very good core strength and technique in building up an individual and partner sequence. On a similar note I am pleased to inform you all that the school has achieved the first stage in the "Healthy Schools" award and are now moving on to the next level. All in all it will take 6 years to reach the final standard to achieve the full and final award. A long time but it will certainly show commitment and proof that the award is deserved and sustainable for the foreseeable future.
After the Eisteddfod literature and art is concluded the intention is to give the class a chance to do an animation project, combining their flair for writing, art and planning to produce a short animated film on a Welsh related topic. We have prepared for this by writing a sequel to a radio space program where the children wrote the script, including stage directions, then designed their own promotional poster.
Here's hoping we all enjoy this term together and work hard to produce the best work we possibly can. Bye for now, P.M.